Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Primal Relationships

Three primal human relationships form the basis of all others in life: maternal, paternal, and fraternal/sororal. Of the three, the strongest is the maternal, or mother-child, relationship, founded as it is upon the 9 month prenatal period and the closeness of mother and child during infancy.

The mother’s first physical encounter with her proto-child occurs at conception, and it ensues at the acceptance of the female egg of the father’s sperm. Hence, the mother’s experience is akin to an ingestion, as spiritual and revelatory as the inner consciousness' acceptance of an outside.

The fraternal/sororal affiliation represents digestion. It is the intermingling of similars within the contextual stomach of the of the world.

The father, obviously, is an excreter, ridding himself of what he doesn’t need, but which is so essential to himself, that it fertilizes its leaving ground. The mother, consequently, is seen as both saint and whore, heaven and unclean sewer, whereas the father is seen as both source and polluter.

Socialism and the building of a community can not be accomplished unless a spirit of fraternity underlies it. The fraternity espoused by a fascist state, or other form of racial supremacism or nationalistic chauvinism, is an obvious counterfeit, intended to fool the young and the stupid. It relies upon a hatred and villification of the outsider, and is therefore a hypocritical negation of the fraternity upon which it supposedly is based. It is an incestuous version of community, which depends upon reviling the outsider in order to define itself. When no obvious outsiders are present to provide the contrast necessary to this principle of organization, the fascist state will prioritize those that it might normally consider insiders on the basis of their proximity to the center or periphery, classifying them as “relative” insiders or outsiders. Fascism is essentially a doctrinal system of inhuman social purification which idealizes the characteristics of a self-proclaimed elite.

In terms of power and authority, the most powerful dictators of the Twentieth Century - Stalin, Hitler, and Mao – were more like pharaohs or god-kings than mere political bosses. Each commanded almost religious levels of devotion from his band of followers.

(c) Copyright 2009 by A. Rogolsky

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